.NET 1.1.0 - Additional AA & External Wallet Support

This update comes with a couple additions and changes that should make your developer experience slightly better.
Added SmartWallet.GetAllAdmins
and SmartWallet.GetAllActiveSigners
helper functions, to respectively get all the admins that might have been added using SmartWallet.AddAdmin
and all the temporary signers that were added using SmartWallet.CreateSessionKey
and are still unexpired.
returns a List<string>
of all your admins.
returns permissions similar to the inputs of CreateSessionKey
Furthermore, these functions now throw when called directly on the Smart Wallet, to make sure signatures are 1271 compatible and not confuse developers by forwarding these calls down to the personal wallet acting as a signer.
Functions: SmartWallet.EthSign
, SmartWallet.RecoverAddressFromEthSign
and SmartWallet.PersonalSign(byte[])
As we begun implementing the .NET SDK on different platforms, we ran into an issue when integrating external wallet types on such platforms - EIP-712.
We've added a utility to remedy this: Utils.ToJsonExternalWalletFriendly<TMessage, TDomain>(TypedData typedData, TMessage message)
This method will convert any typed data parameters into correct and verifiable formats, specially in cases of EIP-1271 Smart Wallet type signatures. If you're implementing an external wallet, we recommend using this util in your IThirdwebWallet.SignTypedDataV4<TMessage,TDomain>
This has been confirmed to work with MetaMask (native and extension) and WalletConnect.
specific constants have been removed.
Previously, adding using Thirdweb
and using Thirdweb.Pay
made it annoying to accesss Thirdweb.Constants
- this is no longer the case.